All New Beer Garden

Opens Monday 12th April

Does anybody remember pubs? They were a place you could go in the olden days and you could have proper beer from pumps, proper lager and cider on taps which is cold even if you haven’t remembered to put it in the fridge (home drinking sucks!), as well as a whole ton of gins and wines, and someone else would do the cooking and washing up for you while you had a good old chinwag with your friends.

Well we’re coming back! The government’s roadmap out of Coronavirus lockdown promised “data not dates,” so here are the dates they gave us…(McMullen’s brewery get in with Matt Hancock quickly, they’ll be looking for somewhere to organise a piss up soon)

From April 12th we can reopen, but only for outside seating.

So we’re going to spend the next month revamping our outside space. Our grey car park will be turned into a green and pleasant land full of tables and benches (all suitably distanced) for drinks and dinner in the garden. We’ll be setting up a proper garden space out there with tills and everything out there too, and full table service so you only need to venture inside to make room in the bladder for another round.

But obviously this will be less capacity than we would normally have, so we do recommend early booking, especially on those weekend days. You can book online here or send a text or Whatsapp to 07311 774277 (but please don’t phone, we’re all on furlough and not in the pub regularly enough to pick up the phone. Also give us a little time to respond to email, thanks).

Please note: there’s a limited number of tables under shelter and beside heaters so these tables will be allocated to the people who book first, tables with parasols will be the next to be booked out. And if your plans change and you can’t join us, we’d appreciate a call to cancel so we can give the table away.

During this time we’ll also be doing takeaway orders but be aware that our dine “in” tables will take priority.

We know the rules imposed by the government have been annoying and constantly changing of course, but we do think they are sensible to stop the spread of the virus so we’re going to quickly outline the rules as they currently stand, but it’s worth checking back here for changes before your visit:

Rule of Six – No groups more than six people (unless it’s one household or bubble). While this rule still applies we don’t want to get into discussions about “two tables of four next to each other” or anything like that. We’re not interested in locking down again so let’s just keep out gatherings sensible for now.

1m+ – Please keep 2m distance from other guests and never come within 1m of them. Let people pass at a distance and remember others may be less confident or more worried about coming out than you are so give people their space

One Way System – We have a one way system in place inside the building for the toilets, please follow signs to avoid bumping into people coming the other way

Facemasks – We ask that you wear facemasks any time you stand up and move away from your table. While it is safer outside, having more people in a tight space brings risks with it and some may not be confident coming out yet, so this is a small way just to make it safer and everyone more comfortable.

Table-Service – We’ll be doing table service for everything in this time, so please don’t come up to the till and do not come inside to the bar for service, please grab a team members attention and let us come over to you.

10pm closing time – This one isn’t a government rule, but while we are an outside only business please respect our neighbours by leaving quietly at 10pm.

May 17th. Pubs Can Reopen Inside

We’ll update you nearer the time as to the rules of this one. It looks like we’ll be required to enforce rule of six and facemasks again, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves for now.

See you soon.